Showing posts with label Suspense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suspense. Show all posts

As soon as I read the blurb for this the grabby hands came out and I was dying to see how Katee Roberts was going to go on her first foray into romantic suspense. I mean it’s no surprise I love her contemporary romance novels; I can’t get enough of her writing style. That said everything I love about Katee’s books wasn’t included in this one but I enjoyed it so much I didn’t even notice until I had put down the book and sat down to review it.

That’s probably because I was so absorbed in the suspense and couldn’t put the book down for long enough to remember my own name. The story was so gripping and I had so many theories on who had done it and how things were going to play out. It kept me guessing until the very end and I really enjoyed the cult setting.

Eden was such a kick arse character. I thoroughly enjoyed being in her head hearing her inner monologues made her feel so genuine and I liked that while she was so tough and self-reliant she wasn’t afraid to let her insecurities show and do what needed to be done.

And then there was Zack. He was so sweet yet still so strong and alpha. He didn’t try to wrap her up in cotton wool despite the fact he had legitimate concerns for her safety. It was so great to see a strong alpha male who fought his own instincts to do what was right for everyone involved.

Despite the fact this isn’t my normal genre and it is miles away from what I expect from Katee Roberts I hung on every word written and I can only hope that Katee has something similar up her sleeve.

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