Showing posts with label Lola Stark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lola Stark. Show all posts
4 stars

Destry was another perfect example of why Lola Stark was born to write.

I was a little scared going into Destry as I so loved her Needle's Kiss series and this was obviously destined to be different and with how much I loved her other work I thought I would be disappointed but NOPE :)

I think the best way to sum up this book is in the books disclaimer:

"I've written this book at a time in my life when I was looking for something short, sweet and light. So that's what Destry is."

The characters were perfect, I love that they are always so human. There's no perfect virginal princess or white knight who never puts a foot wrong there's just perfectly fucked up people you can't help but love.

There's not really much I can tell you about the story without just rehashing the blurb or destroying the plot for you so I will just rave about Lola's awesomeness a bit more.

Not only were the characters great but the sex scenes were a great mix of sexy and sweet. I love the fact that there's always a few solid LOL moments that I can try to explain to my husband before I realise he doesn't care and I am spending my time trying to explain it when he just wants me to hurry up and put the book down so he can get laid.

The epilogue has me holding my breath for the next installment and I can't wait to see the whole family fall in love and hopefully also get to watch Destry and Melia fill the house with babies in the background of their stories. But for now Bring on Brax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tattered Love (Needle's Kiss, #1)Tattered Love by Lola Stark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

ARC Provided by the Author which is massively appreciated as this was a book I absolutely loved.

Scarlett was finally a leading lady who didn't make me feel bad for having a vagina.

She was sassy and sexy and all things awesome.

But then you meet Mace and wow do the pretty panties get a little (ok a lot) damp

“My God, Mace was all man, the kind of man every warm-blooded woman would love to take home for the night, tie to her bed and let loose on. Sitting this close to him, my mind conjured up a long list of things I could do, just with my mouth.”

So yeah it's hard to keep your pretty panties dry when the man is sex on a stick with a mouth that makes you wet almost every time he opens it. But of course life isn't always a bag of puppies and shit happens

"You need to know I always get what I want, Scarlett." I pulled my head up, staring into her eyes and whispered, "And I want my cock wrapped in your sweet pussy. I want to pound you hard until you can't move a muscle. I want to taste you on my tongue."

Now we just have to hold our breath while we wait for

Conflicted Love

Well don't just stand there thinking I am awesome get your ass out and get the damn book. Trust me. Oh and don't forget batteries while your out ;)

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