Showing posts with label Forbidden Men Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbidden Men Series. Show all posts

Obviously my stalking skills need some work because somehow Linda managed to publish this book without me obsessing over it for the 3 months leading up to it. And that almost feels like I received an unexpected gift. I opened up GoodReads one day and there it was.

So naturally I one clicked it but between kids and birthdays and Christmas it took me way too long to get to read it. I also was maybe a little unsure if I could handle it. Getting a whole book from the alternate POV is super hit and miss for me. And I loved my forbidden men so much and Mason's story was hard to hear from Reese's POV. So much could crush me here.

But big girl panties were securely pulled up and I remembered that Linda had never let me down and in I went. Only to try talk books to my hubby and strangers in the checkout line and the dog every time I got dragged away from my book.

Mason was just as amazing from his POV as he was from Reese's. And I think it helped that it's been so long since I read Price of a Kiss that I wasn't mentally comparing the storyline I was just remembering a first love.

The novellas at the end were an amazing touch and I am going to up my stalking game to get my grabby hands on The Revenge Plan because that teaser has me dying for more. And although I didn't think the forbidden men series needed it this book did complete the circle so beautifully I am glad I read it. But now I might have to try find time for a reread because remembering Tinker bell and Ten and Sarah and everyone else falling in love has made me want to re-experience it again.

I have no idea how Linda Kage does it. Every single one of these Forbidden Men have owned me. I sincerely could not sit down and say a single one of them is my favourite as each of them has broken off and kept their own piece of my heart.

And it isn’t like in most cases where the men are amazing and the women are just meh. The leading ladies in these stories have been as kick arse as the amazing men they love. I find with my goldfish memory that series like this tend to get lost on the mountain with me because I can never remember who is who and how they all mix together. But that isn’t the case with this series. Every single person is such an integral part of the whole as soon as I read their name I am flooded with memories.

There is such a feeling of family and belonging that although each book is focused on one couple you still get all the members of this weird and wonderful “family” of people I just can’t ever get enough. And the fact that each book has an extra special little side meaning makes me feel even more connected.

But I guess I should tell you about this book. What can I say? I was worried I might meet a little of the ick factor when reading this. I mean we knew Colton from when he was little and now he is all grown up and sexy and sleeping with Julianna. I was worried I might feel like a pervy aunty. But of course not. Linda never lets me down and he was just beautiful. He has that Gamble gene of protective, possessive, alpha male without ever sounding like an idiot.

Then there is Julianna. We all knew she was hung up on Brandt so maybe she didn’t deserve Colton. But again Linda delivers and I never once felt like she was anything but perfect for Colton. And I loved watching her fight her own preconceived notions of who she should be with. Her inner strength and depth of character were amazing and I just adored them together.

And as always the little side stories of the Forbidden family broke my heart and gave me hope all at once. Now the only question is who do we get next? And of course how fast can Linda write?

Check out my other Forbidden Men reviews here


Oh god. I think knowing what Caroline and Noel went through I always just assumed that Brandt and Colton had been too young to have experienced their own issues. I mean other than the poverty and neglect their mother forced them to live through but reading that prologue had me heartbroken before I even started.

Don't get me wrong I know going in that Linda is going to have me ugly crying for half the book but geez ease a girl in a little.

I have been obsessed with the Forbidden men since the very beginning so how this book snuck passed me I don’t even know but as soon as I saw it on my GR feed I immediately one clicked it and cleared my calendar and damn was it worth every second of pretending I couldn’t hear the kids calling me.

The never ending prologue was amazeballs I loved seeing them grow from first meeting to present and seeing the families around them that I feel so invested in grow and change. Especially seeing it from a whole new perspective in Brandt and Sarah’s eyes.  And seeing how all the things that all the other couples went through in an outside perspective made me relive the read so I almost got the feeling of re-experiencing all those books again and damn the feels were awesome.

“Ten? You think Caroline is sneaking off with Ten? No way. That’s whack.”

I felt like I knew these characters going into the book so to see them as adults in their own story was perfect.  And while I did know their history and parts of the background there was so much that had not been told or had been told from a different perspective leaving their part of it out. And then there was the NOW part of the story that hadn’t been told yet. That showed us not only Sarah and Brandt but everyone they love. 

Everything I love about this series was front and foremost in this book. Brandt lived up to the Forbidden Men title and in some aspects he even exceeded it. He had the possessive, alpha thing nailed. & although I would have much preferred him to have not been so promiscuous before he was with Sarah it was so understandable it was never really an issue.

 I just want one time, one experience to check off my bucket list. And then we can go on as if it never happened.” As if it never happened, huh? Right. Just fuck the girl of my dreams, the person I loved above all others, and then carry on and forget about it.

Sarah was so strong and determined I couldn’t help but love her to pieces and there were so many times I felt my heart break for her during this book but she never stopped fighting. But damn did she have to have so many struggles? Now I know that most of that was part and parcel of her cerebral palsy and I in no means wanted to see that downplayed I just wanted Brandt to be able to wave a magic wand and have her life be sunshine and rainbows.

“He...Seth called me...the c-word.” Reese gasped. “Cunt?” I laughed softly and shook my head. “No. Cripple.”

And now I just have to up my author stalking since I have obviously been slipping and I can’t wait for Colton’s story.

I can’t believe I almost missed this book. I mean how the hell does something like that even happen in this day and age? I have been besotted with this series from day one. I mean the writing style, the characters, the emotions, the story lines ………………………… Swoon

And Asher.  If you have read this series you know every character is intertwined with each other in some way or another and finding out in the last book how the mysterious Asher fits in with the crew was breathtaking. I seriously did not see that coming but damn did it have me on the edge of my seat wanting to know more.

So as soon as I saw this was releasing I one clicked it then waited with baited breath for it to be sent to my kindle and as always I was left further in awe with Linda Kage’s amazing talent.

Remy was perfect for Asher in every way except for one small thing, he thinks she is a he who has fast become his closest friend. So how is Remy going to unveil the small fact she has a vagina along with the fact she has fallen in love with him?

On top of all that there is his feelings for incubus shirt girl and his new found affection for Eliza to contend with. All while trying to get to know his “new” brother and come to terms with all the things going on in his life and the emotions he is feeling about it all.

While I loved this book and it is another awesome addition to the series it wasn’t as sad or emotional as the previous ones, which isn’t to say it didn’t have the same depth of emotions it just didn’t make me cry massive, ugly tears. And watching the other couples grow their families is always welcome. But now I am absolutely anticipating the next chapter in these amazing Forbidden Men and their families’ lives with the Story of Brandt and Sarah.

If you haven’t started this series yet you absolutely must. Although they all can be read as stand alones every book has been perfect so I highly think you should read them all in order and get to know each and every one of these men and their beautiful women.

Check out my reviews on the other Forbidden Men here

But first one click them all so you can jump right in




I have been fangirling over this series and the amazing talent of Linda Kage since I first picked up Price of A Kiss. From that first book I was so beyond hooked, I can’t even explain without making some weird high pitched sound only dolphins could interpret, but I am going to try to write a review to sum up the absolute perfection of this novel.

When I first saw that there was finally a release date I jumped on the ARC begging line and luckily for me I think Linda felt sorry for my patheticness and granted me one. But before I had a chance to even look at mine one of my GR friends posted a comment stating this was different from the rest of the series and to be prepared. Well that had me shitting my pants, I mean why the hell would Linda change perfection? And what was I going to get if it was different to my beloved Forbidden men?

But you know I have no patience so I tried to lock myself in a dark room with my kindle and find out all there was to know about the new ex-con bartender we super briefly met in A Perfect Ten.

And from the first page I was back in my happy place and to be honest now that I have finished it I think this book was in true form to every other book in the series.

If you are a fan of the Forbidden Men series then you are going into this knowing all of the characters are interconnected and generally in more ways than one, but in this one the connections aren’t ones we already know of so that’s a little different. Also this book takes place in two time frames which isn’t the usual but damn did that work so perfectly I can’t imagine any other way of being told this story.

Like all the other novels in this series there is heartache and devastation but I honestly had a near breakdown when I woke up 2 hours early this morning to try and finish this book before we had to go out only to get to 80% and run out of reading time. Not only was I out of time but I was ugly crying so hard I could hardly keep my eyes open to read the next word. So be warned read this when you have the time to sit and enjoy it.

Now don’t get me wrong this book had so much emotion it was almost soul destroying but it also had everything we can expect from all our favourites and then a few more twists and turns to keep us all on our toes. It had so much love and friendship and support it was hard not to smile but it also had Ten’s crazy comedy and a few surprises to keep us all on baited breath for Ashers book. Which fucking hell that teaser was just plain mean Linda, so you better have that one almost ready or I may end up camped on your lawn going through your trash to find out what happens next.

But in all honesty this series has been perfection from start to not quite finish so if you haven’t yet read Price of A Kiss one click it right now and if you’re already a die hard fan of the series like I am you really should have this pre ordered already and trust me you are going to love Knox and City so hard.

Check Out My Reviews on some of the other Forbidden Men by clicking the pics below

I have loved Ten from the second book when we first met him and we really got to see how far he would go for his mates and yeah he has always been a little bit on the man whore side of things and there is no doubting he was a little bit damaged and had a tendency to be a big bit of an acehole but that’s all part of his charm. He is the crude joke at the funeral, the loud voice in the library but he is also the best person to have at your back. He is loyal to a fault and the more I saw of his rude, obnoxious man whoring ass the more I had to know him and the deeper I fell in lust for him.

He has been a major background character for a while now but even so he managed to make himself known and from the second he saw Caroline we all knew they were meant to be.

We met Caroline just as she breaks and then we got to watch her pull herself back together and grow into her own strength. There were so many times I wanted her to realise her self-worth and  give Ten a huge reality check and move on without him but she never once doubted what she wanted and I think that made me love her more.

Caroline was the perfect mix of vulnerable naïve virgin and seductress. And having watched the covert foreplay between her and Ten in the last book it was hard to see them still no closer to being together at the start of this book.

From the get go Ten knows she is out of reach, there is no way Noel will let his man whore mate date his damaged sister but add to that Ten’s complete belief he will never be good enough for her I was sure this book would kill me from angst overload but it didn’t happen.

Ten spent a lot of time trying to prove he was unworthy of Caroline then apologising for upsetting her when he succeeded. I could feel his desperation for the one thing he knew he couldn’t have as she became the one thing he couldn’t live without and I spent the first half of the book trying to guess when the sky was going to fall on these two and Noel was going to clue in that his beautiful baby sister was madly in love with his best mate that I think I was almost sick with nerves.

But of course Linda didn’t get me stalking her windows at night by writing the predictable over played angst and her Forbidden Men aren’t just sexy they are also strong, loyal, sweet, amazing men so the sky didn’t fall when and where and how I expected and the things I thought I knew about these characters was just slightly left of centre so I ended up even more besotted with them all and even more anxious for the next instalment.

But as Linda is so good at once they finally did get together the sexual chemistry was panty soaking and the complete love was heart-warming.

So well played Linda, you had me laughing, you had me crying, you had me shell shocked and devastated,  you had me waking my husband at 2am and jumping him and then waking him at 9am trying to explain to him why the book was so epic. You have had me in a book coma for the entire day as I continually obsess over everything that happened in A Perfect Ten, And now you have me writing a review at 11pm cause I can’t get it out of my head long enough to do anything productive.

This series has got the absolute best characters and the angst and drama are so superbly written it’s actually hard to put into words how perfect they all have been in entirely different ways but all as equally epic as each other. They all had the smoking hot, panties dripping sex scenes perfectly mixed with all of the heart and love and sweetness you could want. For a NA book they are an amazing blend of romance and Erotica.

 I was expecting Asher’s story to blow us away next but I am only slightly disappointed to see we have to wait on that as we are getting a new man at Forbidden before Asher man’s up and tells us his tale.

So until next round I guess we will have to re-read.

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