I feel like
I really screwed myself over reading this book right now. I am so burnt out and
stressed out and I was hoping this would distract me and help me hide from
reality for a while. Unfortunately, my brain just didn't allow that to happen
so I know I missed a load of giggles I would normally get from the delightful
Sara Ney.
Now in
saying that I did enjoy the book. The characters were so unique and quirky, and
the premise was super cute. I love it when the super fan gets the star and does
it without being weird and fawning all over their celebrity. Austin was such an
awesome little heckler, and I really enjoyed the flow of their
But Gio was
such an awesome boyfriend. And with him being all cranky in the beginning I
really wasn't expecting that. And throw in the fact that he went out of his way
to meet her based on his sisters shove I was loving it. I did guess the plot
twist but that didn't take anything away from the story.
I am
obsessed by the epilogue, and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book.
When I saw that it was written by Nova I thought we were going to get her
commentary on Gio and Nova. Especially on how over the top crazy Gio was. What
we got however feels like one massive tease for the next book. And knowing it's
Nova's book I'm looking forward to seeing more Gio and Austin.
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