This book kept popping up in an obsessive alpha Facebook group I'm in, so I one clicked it. Then I read the blurb and didn't want to pick it up. Then I made the mistake of checking some reviews. When I saw one saying that she ended up with the wrong guy, I assumed that meant not the guy who I had already decided from the blurb that she should obviously be with.


Then my little brain decided I would probably be best not to read it. So, I tried to pick a different book to read and literally nothing grabbed me. I thought I would just read this for an hour before bed and if I didn't get into it, I could read something else in the morning. Now I'm here all like what day is it? 


I have been in a serious book fog. It's obsessed my brain every second I have had to put it down. I had to keep checking the chapters to see who's point of view we were going to be getting next and if that point of view would still be present towards the end of the book. Because getting three different main characters points of view was awesome. I was so besotted with one of them, I enjoyed another, and I loved to hate the third.


Now I'm not going to tell you who was who or anything, but I am going to say that I am so happy I picked this book up. I'm going to one click the next one right now even though I need to adult for a bit. Because yeah, the heroes were both obsessive, one slightly more, hotter, better and just everything than the other. The book was hot. There was no cheating. Everyone and everything was very clear and man was it hot AF.


Can't wait to go stalk this author and check out her other books and heroes. Because one of these guys is going to be living in my head rent free for a few days and I could not be happier about it.



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