Honestly, I don’t think Sarina Bowen could write anything that wasn’t amazing. I don’t even know how to put into words how truly perfect her characters are in the most genuine, real, warts and all kinds of ways. From the moment a new book is announced I just know I am going to live in it from the first page to the very last word. Because she has built the most amazing small town, with the most beautiful hearted people who are all sort of interconnected but not so much that it doesn’t feel authentic. It all just feels like she is sitting in the middle of a small-town cafe and writing the tales of all the people that live there and I am completely here for it.


Nash and Livia were no different and yet were so unique in their own personalities and problems and life dramas. I couldn’t get enough of the chemistry between them, and I love that they had this random little initial meeting that set the match for the inevitable explosion between them. The story was so sweet and there were so many things that needed to be resolved and the chemistry was so hot I jumped my poor husband on his way passed.


I really loved the book and it all flowed so naturally but with so much happening that all felt so believable I never wanted to put it down. The Giltmaker’s are definitely a family that I can relate to in their dysfunction and love. I’m so glad that Livia gets to have that because she seriously deserved it by the end of this book. And I really can’t wait to get the next book (come on Poppy and Mitch) no matter who it is. Even better if it’s more bruisers. But seriously I am ready to read an instructional manual if Sarina writes it.





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