Aurora Rose Reynolds is one of my absolute instant one click authors. It doesn’t matter if she is writing a full novel or instructions on applying hemorrhoid cream, I’m buying it and reading it immediately. So as soon as Until Brodie dropped on my kindle completely out of the blue, I jumped straight in without checking the blurb or knowing a single thing about it. These 1001 nights novellas have introduced me to a lot of new authors and series that I might not have necessarily picked up otherwise. As well as giving me some bonus books in some favourite authors worlds. 


I have zero regrets with my choice to pick this up, except it’s made me want more. Because as much as I loved these characters and found their story entertaining, I didn’t get enough. And I don’t really feel like it’s a true introduction to this authors work. Despite the fact it’s a four-star read and I inhaled it in a sitting, it feels like it’s missing all the things I love most about ARR. 


The insta love was there between the characters and I loved them just as instantly. But we didn’t get the full growling, possessive, protective, over the top alpha in Brodie. I think if the book was longer, he definitely had the potential to be an amazing alpha hero, he just didn’t get to show it. Reese was a sweetheart and I loved that she had a backbone but that she didn’t let her hurt or her pride derail her plans for her future. 


Luckily for me we have another ARR book releasing soon that’s longer than a novella because I need so many more words.



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