The first thing to say about this book is simply that it's written by Ilsa Madden Mills. Like seriously you know you’re going to one click it and devour it, why are you even reading the reviews? Obviously, it was perfectly written with an awesome unique storyline that made me not want to put it down. The characters were beautiful, and I am praying for books for ALL of the secondary characters.


Graham and Emmy had this very dramatic meet cute, and I thought I knew what I was going to get. Then something else happened and I re-evaluated what I thought was going to happen. And every time my guesses pivoted; I was left wondering what was next. I don't think there was a moment when I wasn't dying to find out what was going to come of this.


Honestly Graham took a little longer than I hoped to get his head on the right page. Which I wasn't expecting with the way it all started. Emmy was such a boss babe I couldn't get enough of her. And I seriously enjoyed her getting all her broken pieces put back together even stronger. And despite Graham being an obtuse male he actually gave amazing boyfriend/fake husband, and his actions made him impossible to be mad at for long.


This book had so many moments where I was getting all the feels. And just as many where I had a giggle, normally at Jasper or Babs. Honestly the whole crew from Graham's dad down to the Darling's and Jasper all need their own books. And maybe a novella for Babs and Hank.




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