It feels like it's been a while since I've been lost in the world of True North. And it took me a while to get my head back into the zone. And this story was a little different as the characters were more mature than the new adult books I've been reading lately.


Rita is a character that we have already been introduced to and know as a take no prisoners lady. And she didn't disappoint but she was a lot softer and more understanding than I was expecting. And I really loved her strength and character.


Jake was a little harder to nail down. For the most part I loved him, he was a nice guy with a lot of baggage. And although he didn't play games, he did run very hot and cold. Half the time I wanted to slap him and the other half I wanted to wrap him up and tell him everything was going to be ok.


Overall, I loved that these guys were mature with real life issues. And life experiences that made them who they were. They had great chemistry and the story and romance felt very realistic.



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