I absolutely hate trilogies, like absolutely can't stand having to wait between the heart-breaking cliff-hanger and getting my heart put back together. So why I do this to myself is beyond me, especially when I know I have to wait a month between installments. You would think the fact I know I have zero patience would be enough for me to wait. Except when Maya Hughes writes it, I have to read it and now I'm hating myself.


So Bay and Keyton are back in the same place and after everything, I know you're dying to know what happens. Well the first thing that happened was I freaked out because who the hell is Keyton? Then I realised it was just Dare moving on from his high school nickname and I could breathe again.


Obviously, a lot happened and most of it was awesome. Then we got to that last ten percent and I could not breathe. I had spent the whole book wondering how everything was going to happen. How all the different strings were going to intercept and what the fallout would be. But I didn't see that coming. And I hated it, as much as I understood it. But it kind of wrecked me and I feel like I need a support group to deal with it.


And I really need that last book. A month wait feels like the cruellest of punishment. Especially when I know I am going to feel all of the feels. I just can't.




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