So this is one of those books that was nowhere near being on my radar. I haven't heard of the author before and I hadn't seen it on my GoodReads feed. Then I was emailed the sign up for the next book in the series and since that sounded like something i would love I decided to check this one out.

And to be honest I took a bit to warm up to the characters. And I did consider abandoning it a few times but since it's mostly a me issue rather than the books issue I decided to push on and I am glad I did.

Now don't get me wrong both characters annoyed the crap out of me at times. They both acted like immature idiots and for the first half of the book I really didn't like Austin. But then he was all in and he really did put himself out there for Rachel.

And Rachel was a bit of a whining doormat until she suddenly got a backbone and acted like a stubborn idiot. So I don't think we will be BFFs any time soon. But once all the misunderstandings were cleared up I liked them as a couple and I am looking forward to seeing where the series goes for each of the brothers.


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